Renowned Architect in Dehradun, India - India

Dehradun based Architect

Planning | Architecture | Interior | Landscape

      Best Architect in Dehradun, India - India



With strength in Architecture, Interior and Landscape we are able to provide one stop solution to all design requirements of a site. Integrated design is a given process in our firm, so even when we are engaged to only do Architecture for a project; we invest efforts in blocking the interiors with the design.


Our design concepts are always context specific, they are best for the particular site in question. While finalizing a design we ask ourselves can this design be copied at some other site, if the answer is yes we go back to the drawing board.


Our definition of a good design is: "any visitor to the site can recreate a mental image of some aspect of the design after he/she leaves the site". All our designs have to tie together in a theme however they need to also contain elements which can help meet our definition of a good design.


Irrespective of our client's mandate we apply a green filter to all our designs. Our definition of sustainability goes beyond Environmental to encompass Economic, Cultural and Social sustainability wherever possible.

Planning | Architecture | Interior | Landscape | Renowned Architect in Dehradun, India

Dehradun based Design Company providing end to end solutions for all types of real estate projects

Archana Kapil Associates Private Limited is a Renowned Planner in Dehradun, India.

Architecture firm operating in Dehradun, India | Archana Kapil Associates

We provide design consulting services globally. Please connect with Kapil Rawat on or +919719799992 to initiate a conversation.